Національно-патріотичне виховання,
формування національної позиції, просвіта питань особистої безпеки під час
війни на уроках англійської мови.
на таку тему відбулось засідання ліцейної професійної спільноти вчителів
англійської мови. В ході засідання були обговорені наступні питавння:
1. Національно-патріотичне виховання на уроках
англійської мови.( Волошин В.А., Галата Л.В.)
Nowadays the aim of teaching English language is the
formation of young personalities who see themselves not only as representatives
of one culture but as citizens of the world who understand their importance and
responsibility in global processes which are taking place in Ukraine these
days. That’s why the knowledge of socio – cultural competence helps them to
realize themselves on the same level with their peers all over the world. This
tendency forces them to change their attitude during the process of learning
English language. It develops the learners’ socio-linguistic outlook, memory
and creative thinking. The success of this process equally depends on two
factors: teachers’ and students’ motivation and competence. Our task, as a
teacher here, is to bring forward the problem fields which can motivate a
student and integrate into the world society using English language perfectly.
We involve the learner into the world of foreign languages through the cultural
component, new life style, comparing cultures, mentality, values, customs and
traditions of English – speaking countries and their own one. It helps them to
understand the language and gives an opportunity to use their knowledge in
everyday life.
Today one of our main tasks is to bring up real
patriots of Ukraine. The spiritual development of pupils depends on their
attitude to their Motherland, its history, culture and traditions. During the
process of learning students don’t only get the knowledge but they have an opportunity
to use the foreign language as the mean of communication and receiving new and
useful information.
Teaching English in modern school gives great
possibilities to bring up true patriots. Using their knowledge about Ukraine
and people, students can talk about themselves as representatives of Ukrainian
culture who can make this world better. Working in teams, discussing the
possible ways out to the suggested problems give them an opportunity to feel
the patriots of their land.
To achieve the aim of bringing up patriotism during
the lessons, we draw a parallel between Ukraine and English-speaking world. Our
students have to do individual and group research to answer the questions about
the way of life, life priorities, youth problems, subcultures, customs,
traditions, cuisine, history, political life etc.
Language learning covers different every day topics,
all potentially significant in any student’s life. The most useful methods in
this process include:
Project work (involving practical meaning, necessity of individual
research, unpredictability of process
and results of students’ interaction)
Creative work (organizing summer language camps aimed at the
formation of the patriotic competence through the socio-cultural samples)
After school activities (meetings with the native speakers, different
parties, quiz shows)
Integral lessons ( involving the combination of the usage of all communicative skills, language
Debating ( developing critical thinking giving possibilities to
use language with the practical aim)
Discussion clubs ( giving opportunities to experience different spheres
of life and get some knowledge about them)
Role playing ( stimulating of communicative skills, increasing
motivation through modeling situations of real communication)
Singing authentic songs ( developing socio - cultural competence, creating
positive emotions and feelings)
All these methods involve a lot of research on
statistics, demand creativity, acting skills for a role play etc. The
participation is based on individual skills, initiative, interest and love to
2. Використання
міжкультурних зв’язків на уроках англійської мови.( Петрова А.Л, Миколенко Р.В.)
3. Виховання почуття
особистої безпеки та емпатії в умовах війни на уроках англійської мови. (Галата Л.В.)
4. Ведення шкільної документації (Волошин В.А.)
Було обговорнено
поняття академічної доброчесності, підведено
підсумки проведення II туру Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з іноземних
мов та обговорені новинки методичної літератури
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