субота, 9 квітня 2016 р.

Готуємося до літа

У четвер  у нашій школі був проведений майстер-клас на тему: " Організація роботи літніх мовних таборів". Галата Л.В., Волошин В.А., Варивода О.В. ділилися досвідом організації та роботи мовного табору у школі. Учасникам були запропоновані різноманітні методи та прийоми роботи: warming up activities, watching videos and cartoons, small group discussions, singing songs, dancing, different types of games, creative workshop activities, ways of relaxation, etc. Вчителі побували у ролі учнів: виконували завдання, грали в ігри, танцювали, виготовляли намисто, переглянули відео ролик про літній табір та написали відгуки про участь у роботі майстер-класу.
Our work in summer camp was a good match for different teaching styles and approaches, as well as for students’ needs. We considered various methods of delivering and presenting information
, such as Internet resources, videos, games, songs, dances, cartoons, project work. Students worked using all the ways they can express their understanding: through singing songs, role playing, making posters, dancing, dramatizing, dialogues, drawing pictures.
We knew that our students varied in interests, preferences, learning profile, talents. Some students grasped an idea best when they saw it directly tethered to their own lives and experience. Others could think about the idea more conceptually. Some students strove for creativity. Others wanted to sing, dance. That’s why dividing them into groups according to their likes and intelligence was the best idea to organize work fruitfully. Working in groups, they had more opportunities for socialization and interaction. They were provided with multiple materials, different learning profile options. They helped other students. They worked to establish learning goals. The pupils also benefitе from interaction with peers, teachers, and volunteers. Working in a group with other students provided the opportunity to plan and evaluate collectively.

 We also had to motivate our pupils to make them dive into the process of learning as deep as possible Motivation was what made the students want to work hard, cooperate with their group mates, interact. It helped them to express themselves in English, to become real participants in the activities we prepared for them and to function as confident English speakers. So our main task was to create activities which would be interesting and cause students to use key skills to understand a key idea of every task. We tried to develop their individual strengths and helped them improve in difficult areas by focusing on the ways that worked best for them individually. We also tried to create our work in the way that pupils were able to develop themselves as more independent and thoughtful learners and arose their interest to the process of learning. We prepared tasks which helped them to grow and become more confident working together.

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